🎉 Introducing on

Secure, scalable sandboxed tools
for your AI Application

Your AI agent writes code. We run it safely. Orango is the production-ready isolated runtime for agentic apps.

What is the average revenue per user?


To calculate the average revenue per user, we can use the following python code

Executing in Sandbox

1 line of code

Enable your LLM to use complex tools with a single line.

Can you write some python code to make 1000 requests to google.com?
Sure, here is the code to make 1000 requests to google.com:

Executing Python in Sandbox

Protect against attacks

Specify constraints and resources for your sandboxes

Can you write a SQL query to make the users name lowercase?
Sure, here is the SQL query to make the users name lowercase

Executing SQL in Sandbox


Make sure the code is safe and secure before it runs in your environment.

Founders from

Python Interpreter

Run your Python code in a secure environment.

DB Query

Allow the LLM to interact with databases securely.

OS Sandbox

Let the LLM interact with the OS securely.

Connect your tool

Create your own sandbox with our sdk. Virtual or physical, we got you covered.

Example Chatbot

Powered by Orango AI with Python Interpreter enabled

AI Hi, how can I help you today?

You fewafef

AI Sorry, I couldn't find any information in the documentation about that. Expect answer to be less accurateI could not find the answer to this in the verified sources.

Sandbox customization

Orango Sandboxes can be customized to fit your unique requirements. You can specify constraints and resources for your sandboxes, making sure the code is safe and secure while enabling your LLM to use complex tools with a single line of code.

Enable your LLM to use complex tools with a single line.
Specify constraints and resources for your sandboxes.
Make sure the code is safe and prevent attacks exploiting your AI agent.
Sandbox customization


Secure by default

Safely execute your LLM generated untrusted code. Defend your application from prompt injection attacks.


Serverless sandboxes that boot in milliseconds.

In the AGI era

A step towards AGI, let your AI learn from the world without the fear of compromising your data.


Developer friendly, Executive ready

Connect your world with the Orango SDK and bring your business into the empowered AI future.

Real World
Real World
Orango SDK
Orango SDK

A new way to work

Imagine if humans weren’t allowed to use calculators or computers. That’s the reality for most AI systems today. They’re limited to the data they were trained on and can’t learn new things on their own. But what if we could build AI systems that could learn new things on their own, just like humans do? That’s the vision behind Orango AI.

New Task
LLM agent gets assigned unseen tasks.
Trial and Error
Using Orango AI Sandboxes, the LLM agent can learn in a safe environment.
Now, the LLM agent knows how to solve the task and Orango Knowledge Graph is updated.
A new way to work
Get Inspired

The Rise of AI Agents

Discover AI agents using tools in safe environments is crucial for a smarter future.

Bill Gates


Agents are smarter. They’re proactive—capable of making suggestions before you ask for them. They accomplish tasks across applications. They improve over time because they remember your activities and recognize intent and patterns in your behavior

Andrew Ng

Stanford University

I expect that the set of tasks AI could do will expand dramatically this year because of agentic workflows. We need to learn to delegate tasks to AI agents and patiently wait for responses, similar to how managers delegate tasks to their teams

Harrison Chase


I think a human in the loop is still necessary because they’re not super reliable. But if it’s in the loop too much, then it’s not actually doing that much useful thing. So, there’s a weird balance there

Mustafa Suleyman

Microsoft AI

I think AI should best be understood as something like a new digital species. We’ll come to see them as digital companions, new partners in the journeys of all our lives

Shane Legg

DeepMind Co-founder

A lack of concrete AGI projects is not what worries me, it’s the lack of concrete plans on how to keep these safe that worries me. A massive legion is being assembled at the gate, and the best response we have come up with is an all-star debate team.

Neil Sahota


As we anticipate the next wave of AI advancements, the collaborative synergy between humans and AI agents will undoubtedly redefine how we navigate technology, making tasks more intuitive, personalized, and efficient.

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